Most smartphone users know about mobile payment services, but only every fifth uses them.
Everyone talks about M-Payment, payment via smartphone, but the topic opens a large gap between demand and market reality: While providers discuss the technology behind the service, consumers remain skeptical. Even technophiles and experienced smartphone users are not really acquainted with the topic, as the current TNS Infratest study shows.
One-fifth of the respondents uses mobile payment. About 38% could at least imagine using contactless payment in the future. One-third has heard about M-Payment but does not use it due to claimed security issues.
Smartphone users mistrust technologies: Barely anyone thinks that these technologies are reliable and secure. According to the study, 21% of the respondents think NFC to be a secure way of paying and only 11% think QR codes and BLE are.
“Even if users think M-Payment to be quick, easy to use and technologically innovative, it supposedly remains a long way to go until the majority of smartphone users will start using it,” predicts Walter Freese, Head of Mobile Research at TNS Infratest.
Nonetheless, the market for mobile payment will offer tremendous growth opportunities over the coming years as a parallel study requested by Cashcloud suggests. Two functionalities appear to be the most important amongst respondents: Contactless payment in regular shops (66%) and in online store (61%). When asked where they would like use their smartphone for paying, respondents said shopping (72%), at the gas station (59%), eating out (52%) and taxi charges (41%). However, in regard to the misgivings and current state acceptance of M-Payment, the Cashcloud study arrives at the same conclusion as the one carried out by TNS.
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TNS Infratest M-Payment Charts:
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