Impressions of the NTS summer party 2019
Those who work hard also know how to celebrate. Keeping true to this motto, NTS Retail’s annual summer party took place at the Jetlake in Feldkirchen, Upper Austria. In August, about 70 employees and their families met for a pleasant get-together. Basking in the late summer sun, many guests took the opportunity to try out different water sports such as blopping, wakeboarding or stand-up paddling. Additionally, several beach volleyball courts were available.
After playing sports and enjoying the sun, it was time to have a feast. The Jetlake team came through and prepared an abundant BBQ, a delicious dessert buffet and a hearty midnight snack for those who stuck around a little while longer.
We think it was a great party. Thanks to everyone who turned up and made this such a fun event!
Finally, here are some impression of the party: