Cairo, Egypt/Wilhering, Austria; Mobinil is one of Egypt´s leading mobile telephony provider with around 30 million subscribers. 1,680 locations with over 5,000 staff provide customers with appropriate mobile telephony products and tariffs accompanied by competent advice. Mastering the logistic challenges that are part of such a large-scale branch network is an essential task. Various decisive processes need to be coordinated. Amongst these are the functional retail management for efficient control of goods flows, sales processes from location-based stock levels, customer assistance and the actual sales process.
Before organizing their processes with the NTSwincash solution, Mobinil relied on a proprietary solution covering several systems for settlement, account management, logistics and customer loyalty programs.; Three years ago, the enterprise had already decided to implement the established state-of -the-art NTSwincash POS and retail management system whose implementation started in July 2010.In early 2011 the entire project was strongly affected by the revolution in Egypt. "Political upheaval was indeed a great challenge. The project no longer only involved maintaining the existing infrastructure during the adjustments required for integrating NTSwincash but also ensuring the safety of all deployed staff" explains Günther Schrammel, CEO of NTS New Technology Systems GmbH. Indeed, the project already required on-site deployment at the affected locations during the initial stage.
Apart from the political situation, the NTS staff was also faced with technical challenges which they successfully dealt with allowing to go live on June 15, 2012. "The solution has been rolled out at the remaining locations and partner shops, after having completed the stabilisation phase successfully” states Schrammel.
Since 2012 Mobinil enhanced the portfolio with further optimizations and integrations that enable external channels to collect and exchange information with NTSwincash.
The integration of instalments allows real time checks on customers’ eligibility and enables post-paid customers to purchase goods with the benefit of instalments that are accounted against the monthly invoice. It also provides a service to clear such instalments via early settlements if the customer decides to finish it ahead of the bill cycle.
Another upgrade is the merging of accounts. Channels can now be linked to one deposit balance, so that it is no longer important on which channel chain the balance is increased or decreased - another step in the direction of omni-channel retail.
With NTSwincash Mobinil received a solution which is easily integrated into various corporate back-end systems and is highly scalable and flexibly adjustable to market requirements while reducing maintenance and manual interventions significantly.